Housing Tax Benefits Extended

OD_BloggerHomeowners are among those who will benefit from a $760 billion tax deal that was signed into law in December. The deal includes two very important tax breaks for those who own homes. The law contains a retroactive extension of The Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act through 2016. This law expired at the end of 2014 and, without the extension; any loan forgiveness achieved in a short sale would have been counted as income for homeowners who sold their homes for less than the amount of their home loan during 2015.

Also extended retroactively until 2016, was the deduction for mortgage insurance payments which expired at the end of 2014. Borrowers with adjusted gross incomes up to $100,000 can deduct 100% of their payments. Deductions are reduced by 10% for each additional $1,000 of adjusted gross income above $100,000. The threshold for married borrowers filing separately is $50,000 of adjusted gross income per person. Deductions are reduced by 5% for each additional $500 of adjusted gross income above $50,000. If you have questions regarding your eligibility for these tax breaks, it is suggested you contact your accountant.